
How to make a Super Hero

Tomorrow Bianca will be attending Camp Quality for a week. She is so very excited and can hardly wait. This time round their theme will be Super Heroes and the idea is that you make an outfit and then one evening in the week they will all be dressing up. I've been trying to convince Bianca to be a Super Hero Fairy, but she wasn't interested in that, she wanted to be Super Girl. So off I went to the shop in search of things to make a Super Girl outfit.

I've been meaning to work on the outfit the whole week, but as it usually goes - if it wasn't for the last minute, things simply won't get done and so that's what I had to do after work tonight - make a Super Hero costume (and pack Bianca's bag for camp), but I managed and I'm pretty pleased with the result. Bianca is pretty pleased too.

So here goes, how to make a Super Hero (Lea Style).

First you get all the ingredients together:

A red t-shirt and blue shorts that you found on sale.
Red soccer socks in size 9 - 13 (small size).
A wig from the $2 shop.
A bluish scarf-kind of thing from the $2 shop.
Some shiny blue foil crepe paper from the $2 shop.

Now start sewing (just with blanket stitch) the blue crepe paper onto the shorts. This way it makes it look like a skirt, is easy to put on and if it tears she won't be showing her underwear to the world.

Sew the scarf to the shirt as well as a shiny blue "S" for Super Girl.

Include a very excited 6 year old:

And voila - you have a Super Hero:

Super Heroes are strong:

And then practicing to sit with her shiny blue skirt:


The Blessed Barrenness said...

Wow well done! That costume looks fabulous! And Bianca is looking wonderful too!

RosemaryO said...

WOW! What a great post and a great costume!!! Bianca looks incredibly cute. Bianca I hope you enjoy your week's stay at Camp Quality. I am sure you will have so much fun.
Rosemary NY

The Clam said...

Love it! Way to go Lea!! :)


Unknown said...

lea thats awesome!!!super girl, super cool!!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Truly a ""Supergirl!!""

Sandy said...

Great job - just catching up on your blog. Bianca is so beautiful! I would have loved a costume like that when I was her age.