
Just a bit of an update

I find nowadays that I struggle to write in this blog. I don't know why, perhaps because there aren't too many exciting things happening and it all feels sort of average / ordinary. I mean "going to work, coming home, tidying, cooking, putting kids to bed" aren't exactly newsworthy and simply don't make for exciting and entertaining subjects. But that's pretty much our lives at the moment.

This year is already going faster than I was hoping. It seems the days and weeks just go by so fast and here we are not too far from the end of January and soon on the 3rd of Feb Bianca will start Year 2. I can't believe how fast she's growing up. The very thought of her going to year 2 fills me with hope and excitement and amazement. To know that she is well enough to go to school, well enough after the end of her treatment, school isn't really something we'll ever take for granted because there was a time (when she turned 5) that her doctor wasn't sure if she would be well enough for school. And look at her now, she's already completed a year and a half at school. We'll forever be grateful that she's had the chance, that cancer didn't take that away from her. I look at her hair and it is growing so well now. Not long and we'll be able to make proper little ponytails. Her fringe is hanging right down to her eyes now, but I won't cut it we'll just let it all grow out. At the moment Bianca's eating is also pretty good. She's not quite as fussy as before. I mean she's still a little fussy, but she's more willing to eat faster, we have to "nag" less, she's more willing to eat what we eat. And that is pretty good.

Caitlyn can't wait for her birthday now in February when she'll turn 3. She's been talking about her party for weeks now and finally yesterday I managed to book a venue. It was quite a frustrating process because we didn't have a whole lot of choice of indoor venues and our house is simply way too small. An outdoor venue? Well if it rains or it gets too hot then that is really not very practical for a toddler party, so it has to be an indoor party.

Last year I wrote a little story about her leukemia and what happens with photos that Bianca got to read to her class when she showed her beads to them. (Read here). And finally I got round to finding out about getting it printed to look a bit more like a real booklet rather than A4 sheets that I stuck in a folder and it seems I will be able to get this done really quickly. This is pretty cool and I'm very excited. So I'll have one for Bianca to keep and then I'll probably make one to share with CCF and our favourite play specialist in the whole world (Kate from Wellington) in the hope that they could use it as a resource for other kids who are just diagnosed with leukemia. So now I need to get cracking and find all the photos I used, make sure it reads right, design a cover and then we should be ready. So cool!

And that people is pretty much our news in a nutshell at the moment!

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