
Special prayers for a special someone

I need to ask you for prayers for a very special girl I met when Bianca was first diagnosed.

Ailsa was 15 at the time and at the time spent 3 solid months in hospital, 3 months in a shared hospital room with the only privacy a curtain that she could pull closed around her bed. Prior to that she went into a coma, lost her hair and developed severe pain in her leg. All for no good reason and the doctors have been unable to figure out why these things happened. Now in the week I heard from Ailsa again and right now her sight has deteriorated to the point where it is hard for her to continue going to school and at times she struggles to breath, her hair is starting to fall out again and her foot is still very sore.

Ailsa is such a special girl. Whenever I saw her she was always smiling. She often came to check in on Bianca when we were in hospital and even once brought Bianca a really cool book and a puzzle. During that time Ailsa became my inspiration and I found her so amazing with such a big heart.

Please will you keep Ailsa in your prayers and thoughts.


Mandy Cummins-Velleman said...

Wow that just made me cry, it is amazing how someone that is going through such a tough time can be so positive, but yet people that are having petty problems seem to think the world owes them everything. She is a pillar of Strengh. She is in my prayers.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

We'll be praying for Alisa!! Please keep us posted on her!