Yesterday's hospital visit was incredibly long. At 1pm we got there, did our blood test and then saw our doctor at around 2pm. As usual a pretty good visit and all Bianca's counts look good, except the Platelets. Neutrophils and Haemoglobin are down slightly but still good and platelets down to 87. Now normally 87 is low, but not low enough for a transfusion, and right now Bianca has quite a few bruises so we'll do another blood test in 2 weeks' time to see if they are busy coming up again or still down. So until then we'll be on bruise watch. And in the meantime Bianca is still on the full dose chemo she was last month.
And then we waited. And whilst we waited Bianca had the best fun ever playing with another little girl and she was giggling so much.

Yesterday was our first day of steroids and so today she was mostly hungry, eating pretty much all the time and craving crackers and popcorn (far better than the wild boar she craved not too long ago). By tonight she started complaining of a sore tummy and she ended up being really sad and so it will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Lucky only until Saturday and then we'll get a break from the steroids again.
It really does not sound like much fun! I hope that tomorrow is a better day.
Ugh. We also had a day like that yesterday. We were supposed to be out of hospital by 17:00 and only left at 20:00. Those 3 hours really got to me! But not so much to Woutertjie, surprisingly.
Hoping her platelets increase well and that the steroids don't mess too much with her!
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