
Playing Fairies

Today when I collected Bianca from school I asked her what games she played with her friends.

Bianca: "We played fairies"

Me: "How do you play fairies?"

Bianca: "Well, you're not allowed to touch any boys because then they will get some of the special fairy dust"

Tomorrow is the last day of the school term. We don't have too much planned for the holidays. On the 14th we have our monthly hospital visit and then the week after Bianca will have tennis lessons every day as part of the school holiday programme they offer. She is so excited. Bianca wanted to know what happens after the school holidays and I said that it would be Term 2 and she asked "which class will I be in?" and I told her that she would be in the same class and that you only go to a new class at the beginning of every year.


Unknown said...

Have a great last day of term and a fantastic Easter break.

Ailsa said...

I hope that you have a good break, and that you're hospital visit goes all according to plan. I'll be thinking of you on the 14th, as I'll be in hospital the next day! I certainly hope Bianca has a fabulous time at tennis!! sending you my love xox

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to you all. I think there is an activity morning on at CCF one morning next week, so maybe I will see you there.
I hope that the last day of term went well.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hope you all have a fantastic Easter Weekend.