
Oh the wisdom of a 2 year old (and an update on Bianca)

Caitlyn asked to go and sit on the toilet. We have this soft toilet seat for little kids. She's not toilet trained yet, but sometimes she likes to sit on the toilet. So when I opened the door and took her nappy off she suddenly decided she didn't want to sit on it anymore, so I asked "don't you want to sit on it anymore?" and she said "it's too dandedous (dangerous)", all I could do was to burst out laughing, put a new nappy on and close the door.

Today we had a clinic visit. It wasn't our usual monthly visit, but simply because of Bianca's counts that dropped and the fact that she isn't very well at the moment. At the moment she has a runny tummy (but thankfully only once or maybe twice a day), she has no appetite and will only nibble here and there and no energy, thankfully she is taking fluids so that is good. Yesterday she was pretty miserable and didn't want to do anything. We really miss her smile and giggles when she is like this. So today we briefly met with Bianca's doctor and he isn't too worried about Bianca. He thinks that all this is some seasonal virus Bianca is dealing with and all we can do is to wait it out. He is not worried that she will get dehydrated, so that is a huge relief for us. Bianca's counts are pretty good, so hopefully she'll have a much better ability to fight this bug really soon.

This week is the last week of the school term. I'm hopeful Bianca will make it to school before Friday, but in some way don't think she will be well enough. Bianca's teacher isn't worried as Bianca is ahead with her reading and writing and I know that her maths is right on track. So taking this week off too won't have too much of an impact on Bianca's learning.


Anonymous said...

Lovely story about Caitlyn, I have a daughter the same age and find toilet training a trial. All the best with the winter ills, hope you manage happy winter holidays.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Caitlyn sounds like a real character!!!!
Glad to hear Bianca is doing ok!

Anonymous said...

Cute story about Caitlyn! Very cute. Sorry to hear Bianca is still not up to par, but am relieved that the drs. are not too concerned. The pictures of the play were great. The costumes were so colorful and it looked like everyone had fun!
Here's hoping that Bianca gets back to school for the final day.
Rosemary NY