

So yesterday I left for Auckland.
A couple of years ago we lived in Auckland for a year before moving to Wellington, so in a way this move would be somewhat familiar, although at the time we didn't have to go to Starship so that will be totally new to us.
I fully expected to get lost. The roads from the airport to the other parts of Auckland are a bit complicated and not really that straightforward. So I was very surprised when I managed to find my way to the North Shore with absolutely no problems. I am staying with a friend in Mairangi Bay on the North Shore.
When we lived in Auckland we stayed in Milford which is also on the North Shore. As I drove past the place where we lived and through some of the streets and ended up at the Milford Shopping Centre, everything looked familiar and different at the same time. It was a very weird feeling and it brought back lots of memories of things we used to do with Bianca and places we used to go to. She was only 2 at the time. It reminded me how very much our lives have changed and how it will never be the same again. I do believe the change was for the better. For one we have slowed down, we are appreciating the little things more and as a family unit we grew stronger. So it's all good!
Today and the next few days I am houshunting for a rental home and I am crossing my fingers we find the perfect place! I miss my girls terribly, but I wouldn't be very productive if I had to look for houses and keep their routines in mind.

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