
Lessons learned

Now this is why I don't believe the whole deal with Christchurch is working very effectively...

Terence usually gives Bianca her oral chemo at night. We know that the Mercaptopurine = half a tablet and we know that the Methotrexate = 3 tablets. Okay. So far so good. We give the Methotrexate once a week and initially Bianca and I were going to go in today, but it was changed to tomorrow. When Terence gave the last Methotrexate to Bianca last week, he sort of assumed that I was going to ask for a script today, but didn't realise that I had no idea we finished the most recent prescription and he cleared out the empty containers. So tonight Terence realised with a shock that even though we still had some Methotrexate tablets left from the previous prescription before we had our delay, the dosage on those containers were different - hmmm...

So first Terence phoned Wellington Hospital, but they couldn't find where the Christchurch doctors were supposed to have updated our latest script information. I would imagine that they are responsible for this as they now do all scripts and fax it from Christchurch - hence our last frustration where the script only came through at 4pm and no response to any of the 4 messages left. Then when the nurse started asking Bianca's weight, I told Terence to ring Christchurch because I don't want any mistakes made with Bianca's dosages and this nurse wasn't involved with the last script at all.

Rang Christchurch and still no luck with getting the latest script information from the nurse who answered the phone and Terence ended up repeating what seemed like Bianca's medical history to this nurse. Thank goodness I then remembered that a week or so ago we got a copy of the letter that the Christchurch doctor sent to the Paediatrician who is pretty much in charge of us here in Wellington and this had the dosage on it. Thank goodness for this, but I can't help wondering why the Christchurch Doctor did not update our file when they are so strict about doing the actual scripts there now. You would have imagined they would have made sure it was updated on our files as well.

But anyway. Lessons learned. We will now not only record the number of tablets, but also the actual dosage. And I guess Terence pretty much realised I haven't yet perfected reading his mind... :-)

This morning on the way to the train station where we catch the train to work, I saw a beautiful rainbow. Just a pity that my photographic skills didn't do much justice to it. I'm hopeful that this will be a promise of good things to come...

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