
A very busy routine

We are now in a pretty good routine. Terence and Bianca sleep at the hospital and then Bianca stays at the hospital in the morning (at this stage mostly with Terence, but some mornings with me) and then after her 1pm dose of IV meds, Sanna comes through to get Bianca from the hospital and takes her home. Then around 7pm at night Terence and Bianca go back to the hospital to spend the night. It is a busy routine, but this way both Terence and I get some work in and Bianca has a chance to spend some time at home with Caitlyn.

Bianca will be in hospital until this coming Friday. They want her to complete the course of the antibiotics so that she does not build resistance against the meds. Then she will be discharged on oral Aciclovir 4 or 5 times a day, initially on a higher dose, and then later on a lower dose possibly for the duration of her cancer treatment. In addition there are talks that they will put her on prednisone instead of dexamethasone. I haven't got details on this as yet, so will just wait and see.

Bianca's immunoglobulin levels came back a little low and Terence said she is due to get an infusion either tonight or tomorrow. There is a possibility that they might make this a monthly thing, so once again just a matter of wait and see. Each batch of IVIg (Intravenous Infusion of Immunoglobulins) is made up of human plasma. So generally people can choose to be just usual red blood cell donors, or people can choose to donate platelets and also plasma. To date Bianca has had around 25 blood product transfusions most of which were red blood cells, but also platelets and now it seems plasma. If you ever need a reason why you should consider donating blood, platelets or plasma, just look at Bianca and think that you might possibly be helping to save her life or those of other children just like Bianca. Please become a blood donor.

There are also some discussion that maybe Bianca will start her oral chemo again from this Friday. We feel quite out of our medicine routine at the moment and hopefully we will be able to get back into it pretty soon.

Then we got a really nice surprise. A lady by the name of Hannah put together a beautiful montage of Bianca. Thank you so much. It is really special.

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