
Packing, packing, packing

Tonight I am quite exhausted. Packing for our move turned out to be a pretty hard job, but one that has to be done. Well, it was partly our own fault that it turned out hard because we had so many boxes left over from when we moved into this house last year which I never got round to sorting out and you never realise just how much junk you accumulate until you have to pack up. Of course what makes this move a little more tricky is that I am competing with a 1 year old. Caitlyn loves to help... unpacking that is. And I think she is feeling a little unsettled with everything happening so she's been really clingy today and did not want any naps. And I found it is virtually impossible to negotiate with a baby.

I've actually done pretty well with clearing out things that are rubbish or could be recycled or given away, so feel really proud of myself. But now with Friday morning just around the corner, we will start making "miscellaneous" boxes titled "odds and ends" or "stuff" otherwise we will just run out of time. Oh well, we did our best and now we'll just focus on getting the last things all packed and ready for the movers who will arrive on Friday morning at around 8:30.

As I suspected they upped Bianca's chemo dose to 75%. So now we are armed with enough Acyclovir, Co-trimoxazole, rubber gloves, syringes, disposable cups, straws (to help Bianca swallow her tablets), a medicine schedule, a letter in case we need to see a doctor when we are in Taupo, a copy of the letter sent to Starship and sufficient chemo to see us through until we get to Auckland for our next hospital visit.

And to top it all, it feels as if I will be getting a cold soon. I'm praying really really hard it doesn't turn out to be because I am so looking forward to our break in Taupo before we arrive in Auckland and the last thing I would want now is for Bianca to get sick. We've been lucky that the Child Cancer Foundation holiday home (generously made available by The Professionals) in Taupo was available for this coming week, so it will be a nice break before arriving in Auckland and having to unpack and organise the new house. We haven't had a family holiday in a really long time and of course won't for the next while so we are very very excited about this break!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lea and Family,
I hate packing it is so true you don't realise how much 'stuff' you have until it needs to go in boxes. You will have a fab time in Taupo, we loved it last year. The house is great. Enjoy yourselves.
Love Hannah