

Wow, thank you so much Renee! Renee presented me with the lemonade award. Renee has a really cool blog, and it is one of my favourites!!!

Here are the details of the award:
This award is for those who show GREAT ATTITUDE and/or GRATITUDE! if you are given the award, then put the logo on your blog or post. next, nominate at least 5-10 blogs which show GREAT ATTITUDE and/or GRATITUDE! be sure to link to your nominees within your post. let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

And now I nominate:

Suzanne (they are amazing people and their little boy was recently diagnosed with cancer)
Annie at Living with CML
Kristy at Passion for Purple
Ben fights leukemia
Lori at Am I really going to blog? (She is very amazing!)

Do visit these blogs - they are all amazing!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for both awards! That is very special of you to think of me. I appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word. I never in a million years thought I'd win a prize for blogging of all things!

Thanks Lea. Thanks for the part you play in helping us to keep the attitude/gratitude going!

Lori said...

Thanks for the award! I feel so ordinary that it is surprising to me that people think I am doing seomthing special. Thanks again.

Annie - Steven's mom said...

Oh wow - thanks Lea!
I will add this and pass it on as soon as we get home again and I have reasonable internet access.
You really are passing on the good attitude and gratitude!
Glad all is well with you all.
love and light