
Why should I deny Bianca's right to be a child?

Dear Anonymous living in Avon, Ohio, United States (IP address - isn't it funny how you come onto my blog and criticise me but don't even have the guts to put your name. You said "Bianca is too old to believe in the tooth fairy and santa. she needs to be told that they are not real." - well here is my response to you:

First of all - Bianca is 6. She is a little girl. She isn't grown up (even though in some respects cancer made her grow up quicker) and honestly kids her age should still be able to use their imaginations like believing in the tooth fairy and in Santa.

Secondly - she knows the meaning of Christmas. She knows why we celebrate it, but why should we take away "Santa" from her? I have fond memories growing up as a child waking up to find he visited in the night. And I like that she is sharing in this as well. And really kids only start losing their teeth when they are around 5 or 6 years old.

She is a child, a little girl - do you honestly believe that the only things she should be exposed to should be the harsh realities of living in a grown-up world? Well she had more than 2 years of that - dealing with a life-threatening situation, dealing with cancer and treatments and hair loss and much more than many other kids her age (or even adults for that matter) will ever have to deal with. If you don't believe me, go read here. If you had to go through what she did, would you be able to do it with a smile on your face, with the grace that she showed and her excitement for life? Don't you think that after all she's been through she deserves to have a chance just to be a child? Don't you think that kids should be kids just for a little while before they have to step into a world that is often cruel and harsh with little room to escape? Does it honestly matter if for just a little while she believes in the magic of Santa and fairies and reads books about things that aren't all that real, but make for good stories? Tell me? Do you ever read fiction or watch a movie? Well, those aren't exactly real or necessarily based on real life you know.

You must be a very sad individual to want to deny a child a world of imagination and to deny the fact that even though she is 6 years old, she is but a little girl who is growing up so fast that before we know it, she would no longer be a child. I'm sorry if it doesn't suit you, but I like to keep my girls kids for as long as possible because they will have their whole lives ahead of them to be all grown up and deal with reality.

If you don't agree with what I write on my blog, then please feel free to stop visiting.


Sharon said...

Well said Lea! Children grow up so quickly. Allow her to enjoy her childhood for as long as possible! I think its wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Hear hear! Children of today lose the magic of life WAY too early in my humble opinion...


Marlene said...

Very nicely, put Lea. Kids should enjoy the wonder and 'fantasy' that comes with being that young. Let her enjoy all of it!

Unknown said...

I can not believe that someone would actually suggest you take away the "magic" of being a child. Good Lord, Bianca is 6, not 16.

This is what's wrong with our world today. Children are forced to grow up way too fast. I say; let them be little for as long as possible.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe someone would actually say that to you. It is so rude and insensitive and really none of her business! Bianca should believe in whatever you want/choose her to believe in. She is a precious child and should enjoy the wonderment of it all. It passes so quickly.
Rosemary NY

Kristen's mom said...

Wow! I completely agree with you. Most children at age 6 'still believe' and they should.

Anonymous said...

What a tosser that person was. I still believe in Father Christmas and I'm 42.
I think that that person is just trying to seek a bit of attention. A very sad individual...

Lynese said...

Bianca has had a dose of reality like no other!! She understands what is it like to live in the real world and shows maturity beyond her years.
She absolutely deserves to enjoy the magic and mystery of Christmas. It is a magical, holy , wonderful time. She deserves to be a child!!!!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I'm forty'six' ;-D And I still believe in Santa! There's nothing wrong with a little fantasy in our lives.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I'm forty'six' ;-D And I still believe in Santa! There's nothing wrong with a little fantasy in our lives.

Unknown said...

I agree with what everyone says. It is so sad that there are people out there who feel they have a right to tell you how to raise YOUR child, they were not there when she was in hospital and through all the pain she had to go through, what is wrong with believing. You dont believe, weather it is believing in Santa, the Toothfairy, God, Love, Happiness or Joy. What do we have? Really?

PS Visit your blog often, but this is my first time commenting, and i love your blog. I have so much respect for your family

Stacey said...

Totally agree with you Lea, why take away the magic of Christmas etc, children grow up far to fast as it is. If people have nothing nice to say they should say nothing.

PleaseRecycle said...

Well said! All I could do was roll my eyes at that comment!