
"Where are the bedrooms and all the nurses?"

So this morning was Caitlyn's first full day at the daycare centre. She was all excited and she even smiled nicely for a photo when we were about to go through the "under two" section.

Then she walked straight to the play doh table, I was about to take a photo and she jumped up to the book area and then jumped up straight-away to go to the where the dolls were - so many things to see and do. I then said "okay Caitlyn, bye" and she thought I meant we both had to go. And then when she got a bit distracted I slipped out the door. I could hear her knock on the door, but no tears and she had a great day.

She did fuss a little at nap-time, but only because the older kids sleep on these cute little beds (really close to the ground) and she isn't used to that, but either way she still slept for an hour. When I collected her this afternoon, there was another little girl the same age as Caitlyn and who also started today. It sounds as if they played nicely together (or rather as well as you can play together at 21 months old). So when it was time to leave I said "Caitlyn, say goodbye to your friend" and she said "Bye fend".

It did feel quite weird not having Caitlyn here today and a couple of times I thought she was having a nap and wondering when she would be waking up, just to remember that she was at daycare.

This afternoon I rang Starship to chat to them about whether I should be worried about Bianca's runny tummy or not. The nurse then told me that I should organise a sample through our GP. So this afternoon, that's what we did - sorted out a sample. On the way to the GP's office, Bianca looked out the car window and said "Mommy, did you know in the old days people didn't have cars and they had to walk on the road". Aah, my little 5 year old is growing up...

When we walked into the reception area, Bianca looked around and asked "where are the bedrooms?", "where are all the nurses?" I tried to explain that we weren't at the hospital, but that we were at the doctor's office and that things work and look different at the doctors' offices. But of course Bianca only knows the way it works at the hospital where there are rooms with beds and a nurses's station and lots of nurses going from patient to patient. The last time she was at a GP's office was probably in May 2007 when she was initially diagnosed with tonsillitis.

I did consider writing in detail about our adventures this afternoon, but really, it wasn't exactly fun and the only words running through my mind was "eeewww, eeeewww, eeewww, couldn't this happen when Terence was home?". So now we will hopefully find out soon whether there is a bug or not. Hopefully not. I doubt it though, because she does seem generally well. So here's hoping...

When we left the GP's offices, Bianca saw the school next door (there is a big school next door to the GP's offices) and she said "that must be the hospital side" and I said "no, that's a school". I don't think she believed me.

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