
To witness something magical!

Okay so you remember when I recently posted some photos of our Swan Plants and our caterpillars? Today we had our very first butterfly. It was absolutely amazing.

It was so cool to watch, even though we unfortunately missed it just as it emerged from the chrysalis, it was totally amazing and magical to think that we witnessed this big change where you first have a tiny little caterpillar, we watched it grow and then finally it changed into a beautiful butterfly.

It so made me think of life - we all start life out as tiny little caterpillars and we go off on our journey and do what we need to do and then something makes us change and we become better, stronger and we spread our wings to start a new adventure or a new life. Sometimes we are quite comfortable in our situations and lives and then we are forced to undergo a change and whilst it may not initially seem like the best or nicest or most comfortable things as we sit there wrapped up in our chrysalis', perhaps even mourning the life we had before, sometimes all it requires is patience and before we know it, we emerge as beautiful butterflies ready for the next part of our journeys.

And so we watched first as our brand new butterfly clung to its empty chrysalis and patiently waiting for its wings to dry, then slowly opened and closed its wings and then when it felt ready it flew out the window. It flew around our garden a little bit before going off on its new journey. Getting swan plants and caterpillars, definitely the best thing we ever did and I think I became hooked!!!

And so I dedicate our first beautiful butterfly to little Kyah, a forever-almost-three-year-old who is a special butterfly princess! R.I.P. little one - we miss you lots!!!!


Anonymous said...

That's beautiful Lea and I love the dedication.

Anonymous said...

This is just such a beautiful post Lea, and so true. The dedication is beautiful.

Unknown said...

A beautiful story and dedication.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for butterflies! A couple of ours hatched deformed and couldn't fly, so I am always a bit nervous when they hatch. Another thing I learned is to never put the crysalis's in the fridge. I had read that you could put really late season ones in the bottom of the fridge until next summer. They all died and it was horrible.
I am glad that Bianca is so excited about school. It sounds like she is a great reader already.
Things are fine here. Pete isn't too bad yet. Just very uptight and his eyes are permanently blood-shot. I know that worse is to come.
Have a great weekend.