Wow, we have been so very busy, organising the move and with me being back at work (just for this month though and by the end of March my life will return to its familiar routines). I'm proud of us though as we have actually achieved quite a bit on the move so far and our one spare room is full of boxes, the bed frames that we have taken apart, and so on. So I do feel pretty proud of us (although I think that tomorrow night will be pretty hectic and I don't expect to get to bed early, I was hoping to leave early from work tomorrow, but after my day today I don't think that will be a possibility, but anyway, that's life I guess).
On Friday evening Terence, Bianca and Emerson (from Terence's work) went to watch the Cheetahs / Blues rugby match at the North Harbour stadium. We recently received free tickets because not too long ago we heard incredibly loud music coming from the stadium. Now to give you an idea - we live 2.6 km from the stadium and the music was so loud that it sounded as if the next door neighbour turned their stereo all the way up - which of course they didn't, it was coming from the stadium. Turned out that it wasn't the stadium, it was another company next to the stadium who had a private party and accidentally plugged their music into the oustide speakers. At the time I though it came from the stadium and so at 10pm that night I sat there and wrote them an email to tell them exactly what I thought of their loud music. By the Monday I received a response, an apology (even if it wasn't them) and a commitment to investigate the matter, which they did and I am happy to say it was all resolved in a positive way. But the stadium felt pretty bad about all this and so they offered us free tickets. So on Friday Terence, Bianca and Emerson got to go to the VIP lounge and they had a great time watching the game and even received a signed Blues Jersey afterwards - that is so cool! And yes, Terence supported the Blues!

And in the meantime I was home with Caitlyn, because 2-year olds and car boot sales don't really mix very well (not from a parent's point of view anyway). And so I had to do a quick clean and tidy in the house as we were getting an agent bringing people around to view our house. I very nearly forgot and good thing I remembered because the house was in a bit of a state actually. A girl from Terence's work, Christina, came to help look after Caitlyn so I could carry on packing boxes and Caitlyn wanted nothing to do with Christina. She freaked out each time I got up to go somewhere, didn't even want to look in Christina's direction and so that plan didn't work very well.
On Sunday we had to do our weekly grocery shopping and also went past the one shoe shop to buy new shoes for Bianca for school. Caitlyn loved looking at all the different shoes and this is what she had to say (
click here).

Here is Caitlyn just before we left for the shops trying on Daddy's shoes:

On Sunday afternoon Terence had a great time with the Child Cancer Foundation and it was the Dad's day out event. They went to
Tree Adventures by Woodhill Forest. Terence says this is an absolute must for anybody visiting New Zealand! There is a moutain bike course next to where they were, but on this day they spent their time doing the obstacle courses in the trees. There were different obstacle courses for different ages and abilities and Terence ended up trying course 5 - 7. Terence didn't mind the heights at all and thought it was so well run and best of all you don't even have to be fit to do this. Afterwards some of the dads went to a pub closeby and chatted a bit and it was a great opportunity to catch up with some other dads who walk similar journeys to us. A big thank you to CCF and all who were involved with organising the event!!!

Looks like everyone had loads of fun. The tree adventure looks fantastic!
i can not believe how well Caitlyn is talking, that video is so cute, I watched it like 5 times in a row. Awwwww.
ps this is jody haha
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