And thankfully Bianca did not have any tummy aches at all today. She was initially quite happy and then I guess became a bit more grumpy. I think the walk was a bit tiring for her and so I had to carry Bianca probably for around 2km (probably around 1.24miles) or maybe even 3km (probably around 1.86miles) of the 5km walk. Now 5km don't sound too far, but it is quite a different story when you are as unfit as I am and trying to do this carrying a child who weighs around 23kg at the moment. But towards the end she lightened up again when she saw the finish line in the distance and was trying to beat me to it (and she won...).
Here are some more photos:

I had no idea how exhausted I really felt. I think it was a combination of working full time, doing a move and all the usual and unusual stresses that go along with it and of course doing the walk carrying Bianca for a good portion of the way. But either way, I'm actually looking forward for my month of temping to come to an end now on the 30th of March as things will certainly become a little bit less busy, and so it will almost be like taking a break. Not quite and certainly a holiday right about now would be good, but that is just not a possiblity at the moment. So getting back to normal will be a good alternative.
Sounds like you guys had a blast. And I'd also be exhausted!!!
What a fantastic schools fundraiser.
I hope that you survive the rest of march with some sanity and that April is a little less stressful and a lot more relaxing.
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