
Bianca's photo is in the newspaper

Here are some more links to news articles.

Dominion Post (this one is similar to the next one below and has a photo of Bianca that I supplied)

Dominion Post (this one has a photo of Bianca - one of the photos we supplied and I am quoted in the article) - this is not only about us, but the situation in general.

Dominion Post (this one is about a young boy who has to travel to Auckland every 3 weeks to get treatment that if Wellington had enough resources could be treated locally).

If you know of any paediatric oncologists looking for work in New Zealand, tell them to apply!! Here is the link to the job listed on the CCDHB website. I understand there are only approx. 10 in New Zealand, so they are considering overseas applications.

So until they get 2 new Paediatric Oncologists it will be a bit of a stressful time for all of us as we are not 100% sure how Dr Anne's resignation will affect us. There will be a further meeting in January just before she leaves to discuss the process going forward.

Please pray that things will work out!


Anonymous said...


Did they say why the 2 doctors are leaving?

Lea White said...

Hello Gawie,

Doctor Liz Hesketh left in July (if I remember correctly) and since then Doctor Anne was the only Paediatric Oncologist. We are not sure why she resigned, but it is possible that she was overworked. They did not discuss any reasons.

At the moment they are actively looking for 2 Paediatric Oncologists and hopefully they are able to work in partnership with Canterbury District Health Board and then we will be able to "share" some of their resources if and when necessary. But that is only if they can get the agreement right.

lee said...

Hello Bianca

I'm Sanna's mother in Sweden. I know about you desperate situation and I really hope you will come to a solution and find a oncologist so that you can be able to be treated in Wellington.

Best regards from Lee, Sweden

Lea White said...

Hello Lee,

Thank you so much for your comment. I just want to let you know that it is an absolute blessing to have Sanna with us.

You have a wonderful, fun and compassionate daughter.

Bianca and Caitlyn really love Sanna and I don't know what I would've done without her. We will really miss her when it is time for her to go back to Sweden!